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Hi, fellow, survival horror fans! Do you ever lie in bed at night and think to yourself, “Can Resident Evil Happen in Real Life?” Well, strap yourself in as we now prepare to take a step into a fictional world which frighteningly has real-life possibilities. Being an avid fan of the series and an innocent audience of scientists, I have also on many occasions imagined this question. Therefore, let’s take a terrifying but exciting trip into the world of virology, bioengineering, and that of a real biohazard and its fictional representations while analysing where the facts hide and where the truth fantasies lie.
The Science Behind Resident Evil: Can Resident Evil Happen in Real Life
Viruses and Mutations
Now before we entertain the prospect of the Resident Evil scenario becoming a reality, let us talk viruses. These are the invisible devils of the world of Resident Evil Universes as well as in reality. Imagine MY VIRUSES? They are just as interesting (or annoying) in real life as they are in films, since viruses such as Influenza and HIV have made us appreciate the virulence of these small particles. The questions lingering however are are they capable of turning us into crawling, brainless zombies with an insatiable thirst for human blood? Let us find out.
Bioweapons and Corporate Secrets
Let us first tackle the elephant (or should I say, the elephant sized mutant bioweapons?) in the room: bioweapons. No one surprised: the plot when secret firms fight with bio weapons, and create viruses for their needs i sand not a fiction. I mean, none of us might have an Umbrella Corporation (that we know of), but some of us appreciate this potential for how dangerous biological research can be especially in the hands of some contemporaries. So when we are asking, ‘is it possible for Resident Evil to happen in real life?’, we are not only referring to the zombies. We are looking at the whole package of corporate greed, scientific ambition and global catastrophe waiting to happen.
9 Resemblances Between Resident Evil And Real Life Science That Are Quite Disturbing
1. Infection That Changes People’s Minds And Behavior
How many of you remember how those infected by the T–virus would transform from people into unnatural, unemotional, and blood-thirsty beasts? Well, within nature this disease already exists. This disease makes people aggressive and leads to certain premises to bite physical attacks. While this is no zombie apocalypses with Resident Evil, it demonstrates however that viruses do have the potential to change human behavior entirely.
2. Quick Changes in Organisms
The G-virus in Resident Evil induces severe and accelerated changes in the organisms. Meanwhile, it is important to state that there is nothing less dramatic in the actual world; some viruses for example Influenza can be very virulent. This quick change of status is what makes vaccines creation extremely hard.
3. Bodily Possession of Other People’s Barren Bodies
In Resident Evil, dead person viruses use the corpses and the bodies come back to life. Though proper reanimation remains a far-fetched idea, certain viruses can indeed be dormant in a dead person’s body. That does not mean they can literally raise the dead, but that’s pretty close in some ways.
4. Genetic Engineering (Can Resident Evil Happen in Real Life)
Inserting dynamic viruses into people’s bodies and changing their genetic codes, these are not ideas from science fiction. As a matter of fact, retroviral viruses such as the HIV insert their genetics within our cells. While this doesn’t really make us into bioweapons. It does, however, demonstrate that viruses are capable of restructuring our genetic composition.
5. Improvement of Physical Abilities
Like several other Bioweapons from other series, the viruses in Resident Evil always enhance superhuman abilities like strength or even restoration. Gene asses are making progress, which is sad for some of us because this is where technology and science are likely headed eventually. There’s nothing Tyrant Level in this tech, but it is a first step along the way, It is a Tang.
6. Affecting Individual Specific Brain Regions
Plagas parasites are one of the Resident Evil creations that can be classified as the attack variants against the brains of its hosts Limiter. However, we understand that various diseases or insults do have the capacity to localize their effects to select brain regions and result in a change of behavior or even thought process. It’s still not quite mind control, but it is nevertheless a disturbing indication of our minds’ exploitable weakness.
7. Business Bio-Research
Biological research in real life is even more intense than some of the Thalian bios now where hopefully we do not have any firms as evil as Umbrella. Scientific laboratories funded by private companies do in fact exist like Umbrella nej a lodong kohnya. There is concern regarding the deliberate or unintentional use or release of virulent agents in the scientific world.
8. Biological Arms Development
The creation of bioweapons, even though it is a bioweapon itself, isn’t just a plot development. This is part of the human warfare. Even if such studies are banned now by nations buried under a set of international treaties, there is always that awareness that it did take place in the past and more so the apprehension that it continues to go on behind the curtain which has baffled the history of the game.
9. Zoonotic Diseases
Resident Evil and other outbreaks usually have an origin where a virus is passed from an animal to a human. This is called zoonosis and it also explains how SARS-CoV-2 or Ebola reached human peoples. It’s a gruesome fact that there is a much finer line separating the infectious disease of animals from those of humans.
The Limits of Reality: What Is Not Possible (Yet)
Now, before you throw in the towel and start squeezing green herbs into your stomach and shell shells in a pump-action, let us pump the brakes a bit. Although it is quite disturbing to know that there are similarities between the fictional film Resident Evil and actual science, there are also several factors that will ensure that we remain deep into the fiction (for the time being that is).
For starters, some of the fast and sweeping changes and changes that are completely beyond reason that depict characters in the new games suchous amedians transforming into giant monstrous is something that might not come to light in our current age of biology. Natural alterations – as a rule – require time since they’re done over generations and definitely not in the hours of 1 or 2.
Second, the concept of a virus that can bring back dead tissue is not a practical idea. Once cells die, they can never be resurrected. I’m afraid T-virus zombies won’t be walking among us anytime soon!
So, in discussing sickness and viruses, I shouldn’t say that there are such things as viruses that make people stronger and faster, or that lend self-healing to their hosts. That’s just good old video game magic.
Ethical Issues and Mechanisms of Prevention
But I want to shift the discussion to the more touchy aspects in the depiction of these viruses. Will Resident Evil be a reality one day? Probably not in the same way as we experience it in the games but there is a risk of dangerous viruses being engineered or somehow getting out, which is a genuine threat. This is the reason that there are very stringent international laws and guidelines on ‘work’ with those pathogens that are seen as a risk.
The appropriate execution of scientific research is achieved through a number of measures, including biosafety levels, oversight by ethics committees, and compliant with international agreements. It’s not the ideal solution, but it’s definitely more sophisticated than the uncontrolled practices of the Umbrella Corporation!
Bioengineering Developments in the Future: A Promise or Threat?
There are no two ways about the fact future will see people asking “Is Resident Evil real?” in quite a different light. New techniques in genetic engineering, synthetic biology and nanotechnology are presenting both new opportunities and new dangers which are yet to be determined.
On the one hand, such technologies will definitely save lives, enable us perform better and even eradicate hunger. On the other hand, such technologies might also be abused, only this time for entirely different and unprecedented perils.
The answer lies in reasonable technology enhancement and management and a worldwide pledge to harness these technologies in the interest of humanity. It is up to us to see to it that the future is more of a star trek than resident evil.
So, is there any way Resident Evil might come to life in the real world? The short answer is no – at least not the way we see it in the games. However, the longer, more layered answer is yes there are indeed some rather disturbing links between the fictional headquarter of zombie terror Raccoon City and the contemporary world of high-tech bioscience.
Although it is unlikely that we will wake up one day to find zombie figures slinking their way through our streets, the basic ideas of Resident Evil – virus outbreaks, viruses as biological weapons, morality and ethics of biogenetics, and technology persisting more often in its wrong forms than in its right ones – are to be found in today’s world too.
Moving forward and expanding our understanding of the concepts we constantly develop, we must keep in mind the importance of being alert, moral and responsible towards what our actions could lead to. After all, the real monsters take no form of zombies or bioweapons, they are human beings who would make and use them, without thinking of their repercussions.
Hence, the next time you’re blasting zombies in one of the Resident Evil games, do give a thought to the real science that served as a backdrop for these fictions and the fact that, there, in the other world, there’s a law that prevents making these things real!